Coupons are distributed exclusively through Peblla's store portal, targeting customers who have previously made purchases at specific stores.
Table of Contents:
📖 Tutorial
To a Single Customer
To a Single Customer
Navigate to Store Portal - [Member] - [Members]
Input the customer's phone number/ last 4 digits and click [Search].
Enter the member's profile by clicking the phone number
Click [Send Coupon]
Select the coupon you have set up and add a notification
Click [Send]
To a Group of Members
To a Group of Members
Please go to [Peblla's store backend] - [Member] - [Member Group]
Click [Add]
Name the group and Click [Save].
Please go to Store Portal - [Member] - [Members]
Input the customer's phone number/ last 4 digits and click [Search]
Choose a group
Go back to the [Member Group] and click [Operate] the selected group
Select the coupon you have set up and add a notification
Click [Send]