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Member Setting - Membership Level System
Member Setting - Membership Level System

In this article, you will learn how to configure the membership level system.

Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how to configure the membership level system. This guide will walk you through setting up these membership levels and benefits to enhance your customer loyalty program.

Table of Contents:

📖 Tutorial

Membership Level Configuration

Navigate to Enterprise Portal - [Member] - [Member Center] to enter the member center page.

On the member center page, you can view the number of members and their growth trends, an overview of member levels, shortcuts for relevant member functions, etc.

Click [Edit] to enter the configuration page.

Participating Channels:

Configure the channels eligible for the membership level discount.

Notification each time when upgrading:

Enter the content you want to introduce in this section. To include the member's name, current upgraded level, and available discounts in an SMS after each upgrade, use placeholders in the SMS content. After configuring the level and discount details, the system will automatically replace the placeholders with the appropriate information for each member.

SMS content that sends rules and benefits to registered members:

Click [Add Level] to add new member levels.

Enter the new level name, choose the member card style, and set the badge design. Configure the discounts available at this level (e.g., percentage or monetary discounts for orders over a certain amount). Click [Save] to complete the setup.

Click [Upgrade Strategy] to configure the upgrade conditions for each member level.

① Click the button to enable the standard membership function.

(Note: Please configure the levels before enabling this function. Members will then see the corresponding discount strategy. If this function is not enabled, it will not be available to members.)

② Select the upgrade method based on accumulated consumption that meets the conditions for an upgrade. You can choose to use either the total consumption amount (excluding group purchases and gift card usage) or points to upgrade member levels.

After selecting the method, fill in the conditions required to reach this level in the [Upgrade Plan] column below. Then, click the button in the [Action] column to enable it. The [Number of Members] column will automatically calculate the number of customers who meet this level. If this level is disabled, these customers will be relegated to the previous level.

③ Effective Immediately After Changing Rules:

If you need to update member information immediately after editing, you can click [Update membership level] and then click [Update & Publish]. Wait for the page to refresh to take effect, note that you cannot shut down during the process.

④ Change rules and take effect later:

If you need to update member information at a custom time after editing, you can click the [Save] button, select the updated time, and click [Confirm]. Then new members will register according to the new rule, and existing members will choose to update the level at this time. The upgrade strategy cannot be edited when member levels are being updated.

When the selected time wants to take effect immediately, you can repeat the above steps and click [Update & Publish].

App/Web Membership Page Display

App Page

① Display style when Rewards & Deals page is not logged in:

Text reminder to check points and member level details after login

Display style after logging in to the Rewards & Deals page:

② Account page display style when not logged in:

When not logged in, the default card surface is displayed.

Account page display style after login, click on the card to enter the member's benefits center.

③ Membership Benefits Center Page:

  • View membership level details, and drag the card to explore other levels.

  • Click [Rules] to view detailed rules.

  • Click [Enjoy Now] to navigate to the Order page.

④ Rules Introduction page:

Check upgrade rules, use benefits instructions are displayed according to configuration, membership notice is displayed according to configuration (if not configured, this page will not be displayed)

2. Web Page

① Membership Benefits Page:

Click [Level Benefits] to view membership level details; drag the card to check other levels; click [Rules] to view rule details; click [Enjoy Now] to go to Order page

② Rules Introduction page:

Check upgrade rules, use benefits instructions are displayed according to configuration, membership notice is displayed according to configuration (if not configured, this page will not be displayed)

Free Membership Level Benefits in Channels

1. App Page

① Enter Checkout page, automatically use the best discount, click [Coupon/Promotion] to switch membership benefits

② After choosing the membership level benefit, click [Done] to confirm

2. Web Page

Enter the Checkout page, automatically select the best discount, click [Promotion] to select membership level benefits, then click [Confirm].

3. POS Page

① Member login:

Click [Select Member] to open member login pop-up, enter member's mobile number to view member card

② Use of Membership Benefits:

Automatically use membership benefits after member login

③ Click [Discount], enter PIN code, then click to switch discount method (Custom Member Organization Benefit/Free Member Level Benefit)

Display Member Level & Benefits on Receipts

1. POS receipt

2. Kiosk receipt

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