Pay Cash on Kiosk
Please contact support if you want to open up cash payment on self-ordering kiosks.
Dual Pricing on Kiosk
You could offer different pricing for card and cash payments by enabling cash payment on the kiosk.
Spin Wheel Gamification on Kiosk
We have moved the Spin Wheel gamification onto our kiosk. You can customize the reward, the chance of winning, and the customer. Please contact support if you need this function activated.
Kiosk Promotions
Order Discount, Buy X Get Y Free, and Buy 1 Get 1 Discount are not available on Peblla Kiosk.
Scale Integration
If you have items that are sold by weight, we can now integrate commercial scales into your POS.
Combo on App & Web
Combos are now made available to App and Web. Please see here for more information on the Combo feature.
Edit Existing Promotion
Past promotions now can be edited and updated. Please note that if you are issuing coupons through a promotion, coupons that are already issued cannot be changed or revoked. The changes will only be reflected for orders placed after the modification.