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Member Setting - View Member Points

In this article, you will learn how to detail the member points in POS, APP, store portal, and enterprise portal.

Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how to check member points across various platforms, including POS, the app, the store portal, and the enterprise portal. We will provide step-by-step instructions for each platform, ensuring you can easily access and manage member points information wherever you are.

Table of Contents:

📖 Tutorial

View Points Details on POS

Click [Members] on the POS homepage

Enter the member's mobile number to search for the member. The member identity card will automatically appear at the bottom. Click on the card to view the member's details.

On the [Basic Information] page, check the member's name and level, and add internal notes for the member if needed.

On the [Profile] page, view detailed member information such as remaining points, used points, email, and registration time. Click [Adjust] to manually adjust the customer's points, ensuring to provide a reason for the adjustment.

Click [Cancel] to discard changes or [Continue] to proceed and save.

In the [Points History] section, view the history of each point change, including the change time, change type, specific reason for the change, and the change value.

View Member Details on Portal

View Member Details on Store Portal

Navigate to Store Portal - [Members] to enter the member list page.

Member List Information Page:

Search for members by mobile number, member name, or group. The list below displays all member information. Click on the mobile number in the [Phone] column to view detailed information on the member details page.

Member Details Page:

View member basic information, preference analysis, order history, points change history.

View Member Details on Enterprise Portal

Navigate to Enterprise Portal - [Members], click [Member Center], then click [Member List] to enter the member list page.

Search for members using filters in the [Search by] section. The list below displays member information. Click on the [Mobile Number] to view detailed member information.

Click the red button to set the member's status to inactive.

Click [Point History] on the member details page to view points-related information.

How Customers Can Check Member Points in the APP

Click [Rewards & Deals] to open the page, then click [View Rewards], and click [My Points] to view your points.

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